Is it ok if I’ve never done yoga before?

I believe that yoga is for everyone and strive to create a welcoming environment where students can feel comfortable. Beginners are welcome and I always encourage students to listen to their body and practice at a pace that works for them. You can also book private sessions if you would prefer to get a more personalized experience.

Is there a Studio Etiquette?

  • Given the private nature of our studio, signing up for classes is required.
  • Please arrive 10 minutes before class so that you can get settled and class can start on time.  Arriving late can be disruptive to the class especially for a restorative yoga session so please be mindful of time
  • Please take your shoes off at the door or before stepping on the deck
  • Please turn off all cell phones before class begins
  • Please commit to staying in the room for the entire class. If you need a break take Child’s Pose
  • No eating in the studio or on the deck
  • Payment is due at the beginning of the class
  • New students are required to complete an intake and waiver form

How do I Prepare for Class?

  • Refrain from eating a heavy meal approximately 1-2 hours before class
  • Wear comfortable clothes; especially for a restorative yoga session
  • Yoga Mats & Props – If you have your own mat, blocks and/or straps then please bring them with you to class.  We do have mats and props here which are sanitized after each use if you do not have your own
  • You can bring a water bottle with you. Hydration after class is important!
  • You can bring a towel with you. Depending on the class, and time of year, you may perspire during class.
  • Please turn off all cell phones before class begins
  • Please tell your teacher in advance if you have any injuries or are pregnant

Is there a Cancellation Policy?

As there are a limited number of spaces available, I ask all students to provide a minimum of 24 hours’ notice if they need to cancel their class reservation as this allows other students who may have wanted to sign up, the opportunity to take the class. Private yoga sessions that are cancelled with less than 24 hours’ notice will be charged in full. If you do not show up for class or cancel within 6 hours of class start time you will be asked to pay for the class.
I understand that life happens; emergencies and last-minute issues such as sickness or childcare can pop up and these things can throw off your entire schedule…I have been there…and am still there! Please let me know as soon as possible if you have a genuine reason to cancel so that we know not to expect you and can hopefully fill your space with another student.

If a class has only two students registered 6 hours prior to the start time, I reserve the right to cancel the class. If for any reason I must cancel a class I will also be courteous to you in providing as much notice as possible. Classes cancelled by the studio will not affect your class package.

In this very fast-paced “on the go” life we live it is important to take time for your health and wellness and I look forward to helping you reach your goals.