
Sorrel Drink

It is that time of year when the Christmas breezes start blowing across our gem of an island and the temperature drops a wee bit and once that happens you know that the holiday season is upon us and it is time to make a traditional Caribbean Christmas Drink…Sorrel.

Both of my children had their first sips of sorrel as toddlers and were hooked from that very first sip.  Sorrel is made in our house for the entire month of December.  Sometimes it seems like as soon as I make a batch it is time to make another as it is consumed with gusto.

Sorrel Drink or Punch is made from the sepals of the sorrel shrub which is a member of the hibiscus family also knows as Roselle.  

You can make this drink from fresh or dried sorrel fruit.  As dried sorrel is readily available in supermarkets locally and also in specialty stores internationally I will use the dried for this recipe.  You can even buy it on Amazon!  

Each sorrel recipe you find will have sorrel, water and sugar but they will all taste a bit different depending on what is used for spicing it up!  When finished this drink is both tart and sweet, spiced and the most beautiful crimson colour.  Sorrel has great health benefits as well as it is rich in antioxidants, Vitamins A & C and magnesium.  So delicious and good for you…win-win combo.

In a large pot of water add two cinnamon sticks and a palmful of whole cloves.  Bring this to a boil and then remove from the heat.  This is the stage that you could also add ginger, orange peel or lime peel.  

To this add the dried sorrel give it a stir and cover and leave to steep or draw as we say in the islands for 45 minutes to an hour.  The dried sorrel will plump up and the liquid will become a lovely red colour.

You will need to strain this in order to remove all of the sorrel sepals and then to the strained liquid add sugar to sweeten.  Adding the sugar to the warm liquid will make it easier to dissolve.  Once cooled store in the fridge and serve it over ice and for adults you can even add some rum!

Hope you enjoy this traditional Caribbean Christmas drink.

Sorrel Drink


  • 4 Ounces Dried Sorrel
  • 4 Litres Water
  • 2 Cinnamon Sticks
  • 24 Whole Cloves small palmful
  • 2-3 Cups Brown Sugar


  • Put the water, cinnamon sticks and cloves into a large pot and bring to a boil.
  • Turn off the heat and add the dried sorrel to the pot.  Let this steep for 45 minutes to 1 hour.
  • Strain the mixture to remove the sorrel and to the liquid add the sugar.  Start with 2 cups to begin with.  Taste and add more if necessary.
  • Refrigerate and serve over ice.


You can also add fresh ginger and orange or lime peel for a change in flavour.